Dreamer Resources: Undocumented Students
Regardless of your immigration status, you may go to college and get financial assistance. Please go through these resources to learn more. If you need help understanding your options, please contact your counselor.
AB 540
Under CA law AB 540, certain nonresident students (citizens & non-citizens) are exempt from paying nonresident tuition. Students who meet the AB 504 requirements may attend a college and/or university and be eligible for financial aid.
Download the following to learn more and see if you qualify!
Download the following to learn more and see if you qualify!
California Dream Act
The CA Dream Act allows nonresident students to apply for state-funded financial aid (Cal Grants) and non-state funded scholarships. This means that dreamers may qualify for financial assistance if they complete their CADAA. For more info on CADAA go to the "Financial Aid" tab on this site.
Getting your Dream Job- How Career Coaching Can Help Regardless of Immigration Status
Useful Websites
The Immigrant Legal Resource Center (ILRC) is a national nonprofit resource center that provides immigration legal trainings, technical assistance, and educational materials, and engages in advocacy and immigrant civic engagement to advance immigrant rights.
Immigrants Rising: Transforming Lives Through Education.
Their mission is to empower undocumented young people to achieve educational and career goals. Supports with community resources, job opportunities, mental health support, scholarships, and legal resources. |
The California Undocumented Higher Education Coalition was established as a response to the national uncertainty and aversive climate facing undocumented students. The coalition, composed of educators, civil rights, business, philanthropy, students, and community-based groups, works to strengthen California’s workforce and economy by ensuring college access and success for undocumented youth in the state.
TheDream.US is the nation's largest college access and success program for DREAMers. You'll find scholarships, colleges they partner with, and legal resources.
At a time when members of our undocumented communities are grappling with fear and uncertainty, the CA Community Colleges has launched a number of initiatives to reassure everyone that our campuses will remain safe, welcoming places for people from all backgrounds to learn.
The CSU offers many resources for undocumented students. To learn more about grants, loans, scholarships and legal support services, visit their site.
The University of California welcomes and supports students without regard to their immigration status. This site will provide undocumented students with resources on how to apply, financial aid and campus support.